Introducing u3a

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 10:30

End time: 12:00

Event Short Description

Come and find out about u3a. Keep your mind active in retirement.

Event Information

Learning, Living Life, Expanding Horizons. Keep your mind active in retirement.

u3a is for retired people providing groups for like-minded people to pursue interests in common locally during the daytime. u3a has many facets, continued learning, comradeship, fun, mental stimulation, overcoming loneliness, sharing skills and knowledge.
Basic yearly membership is only £10 to cover administration. Some groups have a small extra charge to cover hall costs.

Current Arun Valley u3a Interest Groups:
Art Appreciation, Ballet and Dance Appreciation, 3 Book Circles, BBC (Bus, Beer and Chat), Canasta, Coffee and Conversation Group, Computer Help, Cycling, Croquet, Film Circle, Flowers and Gardens, 2 French Groups, Guitar Group, History and Discussion, Improv, Lunch Group, Mahjong, Music Appreciation, Natural History, Opera Appreciation, Poetry Group, Science & Technology, Scrabble, 2 Spanish Groups, Table Tennis 2 Walking Groups, World Affairs.


(Trinity Methodist Centre is located opposite the speed camera on Thakeham Road. Bus stop at entrance. Parking at Rear)

Admission Details

Adult: Free


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Arun Valley u3a

Telephone: 01798 865528



Venue Details

Address: Trinity Methodist Centre, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 3NG

Telephone: 01798 865528

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