Introducing u3a – Coffee Morning in Storrington – Keep your mind active in retirement

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 10:30

End time: 12:00

Event Short Description

Retired? For new horizons, experiences and friendship, Come and find out about ‘u3a’.

Event Information

Introducing u3a over a coffee

u3a is for retired people providing groups for like-minded people to pursue interests in common locally during the daytime.

Meetings are held in member’s homes, local halls or as visits.

‘You and Yours’ on Radio 4 and BBC1 TV have presented programmes looking at the advantages of u3a in retirement activities.

Basic yearly membership is only £10 to cover administration.

Current Arun Valley u3a Interest Groups:

  • Art Appreciation, Ballet and Dance Appreciation, Book Circles, Coffee and Conversation, Film Circle, Flowers and Gardens,
  • French Conversation Groups, History and Discussion, Natural History, Opera Appreciation, Poetry Group, Science and Technology,
  • Spanish Conversation groups, Table Tennis, and 2 Walking Groups.

Local area is Storrington, Pulborough, Petworth, Billingshurst, Coldwaltham, Fittleworth, Bury, West Chiltington. and surrounding villages.

Trinity Methodist Centre is opposite the speed camera. Bus stop at entrance. Parking at rear.

Admission Details

Adult: Free entry


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Graham Martin

Telephone: 01798865528



Venue Details

Address: Trinity Methodist Centre, (Opposite the speed camera. Bus stop at entrance. Parking at Rear), Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 3NG

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