I Never Knew Geography Would be so Relevant; Why Didn’t I Concentrate More at School?

Event Details

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Start time: 19:30

End time: 20:30

Event Short Description

An amusing look at how geography impinges on our everyday life .

Event Information

An amusing look at how geography impinges on our everyday life .For example, why do motorway traffic jams suddenly disappear ?
The talk has plenty of good-natured humour and demonstrates some insightful local knowledge. Bill Avenell has a passion for unusual features in the landscape. He is a specialist in topography and taught geography at a public school. Most of us were taught geography at school, but not topography, which is a field of geoscience, studying forms and features of land surfaces.
Bill will explain the impact that physical geography has made on our daily lives.

Admission Details

Adult: £8


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: £6 for members

Organiser Details

Name: Storrington Museum

Telephone: 01903 740188

Email: storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com

Website: http://storringtonmuseum.com/

Venue Details

Address: Storrington Museum, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 4LL

Telephone: 01903 740188

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