HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) in Pulborough

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:30

End time: 08:15

Event Short Description

Free taster to all new Clients – Suitable to all levels – Burn calories up to 16 hours after!

Event Information

HIIT excersises to improve cardiovascular endurance

HIIT is a fun way of working out, using a combination of exercises with or without weights. You work hard for a short period of time, rest then repeat…therefore time goes fast and you don’t get bored by doing the same exercise over and over! Exercises can be modified or progressed depending on your level meaning you can change to low intensity if you are new to exercise, getting back into it, pre/post natal or perhaps returning after an injury.

It’s extremely effective, improves cardiovascular endurance, helps you time up, fun and proven to help you burn calories for up to 16 hours after you workout!

All new clients welcome!

To book your place please message Lisa ldlovesfitness@yahoo.com

Admission Details

Adult: £10

Child: Na

Child Age Limit: Na

Concession Details: Buy 5 for £40

Organiser Details

Name: Lisa Direncay

Telephone: 07872968708

Email: ldlovesfitness@yahoo.com

Website: https://www.instagram.com/ldlovesfitness

Venue Details

Address: Pulborough Village Hall, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2BF

Telephone: 01798 874647

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