Elizabeth I in Midhurst and Chichester

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:00

End time: 21:00

Event Short Description

An account of Elizabeth I’s only visit to West Sussex

Event Information

Elizabeth I’s visit to West Sussex

In 1591 Elizabeth I’s summer progress brought her south through Surrey into West Sussex, stopping at Cowdray for a week and the City of Chichester for several days. What happened, and what was it like for her hosts and the people on her progress?

Dr Caroline Adams is a freelance archivist, palaeographer and historian. She teaches palaeography and diplomatic online, and runs a research business, Key to the Past, regularly carrying out house histories and local history research for clients and architects. She holds a PhD on the significance of Elizabeth I’s progress in Hampshire, Sussex and Surrey in 1591. Until 2014 she was Senior Archivist at West Sussex Record Office.

The talk will last up to an hour, with an opportunity to ask questions (via the chat box for our remote audience).

Booking: To attend in person, please ring 01243 753602 to book and pay; to attend online, please book via Eventbrite [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/541661914367]

Admission Details

Adult: 8.00

Child: 8.00

Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: 7.00 for West Sussex Archives Society members

Organiser Details

Name: Matthew Jones

Telephone: 01243 753602

Email: record.office@westsussex.gov.uk

Website: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/ro

Venue Details

Address: West Sussex Record Office, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1DD

Telephone: 01243 753602

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