Durrington WI Meeting at Durrington Community Centre

wi womens insti

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:30

End time: 21:30

Event Short Description

Durrington WI will be holding their Annual Meeting on 21.3.23 at 19.30 Durrington Community Centre

Event Information

Durrington WI Annual Meeting

Come along to Durrington WI’s Annual Meeting on 21st March. The Annual Report and Financial Statement will be read out to members and any queries answered. There will be a ballot for the committee followed by a nomination and ballot for the role of President. This will be followed by a couple of fun quizes as well as the regular cuppa with plenty of time for a chat with friends old and new.

As always there will be sales tables, a raffle and a flower of the month competition.

New members are always welcome. First two meetings are free so you have nothing to loose by coming along.

Admission Details



Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Linda Turner

Telephone: 07515 516854

Email: lindaturner100@hotmail.com

Website: https://mywi.thewi.org.uk/welcome-to-my-wi

Venue Details

Address: Durrington Community Centre, Worthing, West Sussex, BN13 3FJ

Telephone: 01903 268287

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