Dora Carrington (1893-1932): The Tragic Muse of Bloomsbury

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Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 18:00

End time: 19:45

Event Short Description

Lecture by Alan Read.

Event Information

Fascinating as much for her life as her art, Carrington formed one corner of a typically Bloomsbury triangular relationship. Studying at the Slade from 1910, one of an extraordinary generation of modern British artists, her student work showed promise when it was unusual for a woman to succeed as a professional artist. The lecture will consider both her unconventional life, including her relationship with Lytton Strachey, and her paintings; a talent that has, perhaps, been overwhelmed by her biography.

Admission Details

Adult: £10 for visitors


Child Age Limit:

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Organiser Details

Name: Membership Secretary

Telephone: 01243 920096



Venue Details

Address: The Assembly Room, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1LQ

Telephone: 01243 788502

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