Dick Whittington PANTO

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:00

End time: 19:00

Event Short Description

Our traditional panto tells the story of Dick Whittington & his clever cat travelling to London

Event Information

Our traditional family favourite panto tells the story of Dick Whittington who sets out for London to make his fortune, accompanied by his clever cat.

At first, he meets with little success and starts to return home. However, on his way out of the city he hears the Bow Bells of London ringing and believes they are calling him back. On returning to London, Dick embarks on a series of wonderful adventures whilst travelling on a ship and wins many fabulous friends as a result of the rat-catching activities of his cat.

Eventually he does become prosperous, returns home and marries his master’s daughter Alice Fitzwarren.

“Dick Whittington” by David Pratt & directed by Robert Morrison.

Admission Details

Adult: 9.00

Child: 5.00

Child Age Limit: 16

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Mike

Telephone: 07970858076

Email: ringmerdramatic@outlook.com

Venue Details

Address: Ringmer Village Hall, Ringmer, East Sussex, BN8 5QH

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