Dawn of the Ducks at Pulborough Brooks – wildlife watching walk with breakfast

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 07:00

End time: 10:00

Event Short Description

Join us at dawn and watch the brooks come alive with waders, ducks and geese.

Event Information

Dawn of the Ducks plus breakfast bap

Join Pulborough Brooks as dawn breaks and the brooks come alive with the sights and sounds of the hundreds of waders, ducks, geese and swans that spend their winter there. Will the barn owl be hunting silently over the river bank or the peregrine falcon swooping and diving on the look out for breakfast? It may be an early start but you’ll be rewarded well – once you’ve had your walk they’ll warm you up with tea, coffee and a breakfast bap.

Admission Details

Adult: £20.50 for members and £25.50 for Non-members


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Lydia Fletcher

Telephone: 01798 875851

Email: lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk

Website: https://events.rspb.org.uk/pulboroughbrooks

Venue Details

Address: RSPB Pulborough Brooks, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2EL

Telephone: 01798 875851

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