Cuckfield Bookfest

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 19:00

End time: 20:00

Event Short Description

For book lovers of all ages, Cuckfield Bookfest is back for its literary festival on the 4-6th Oct

Event Information

Joined by authors such as the brilliant Guardian journalists John Crace, and Polly Toynbee talking about her unusual family; Alexandra Harris, chronicling lives in a Sussex landscape with her book The Rising Down and award-winning filmmaker and journalist, Zeinab Badawi brings An African History of Africa to the weekend. We are also welcoming Henry Jeffreys with a history of English wine growing. Stand-up comedian and author Dominic Holland will provide an entertaining session.

For children, Chris Bradford brings gripping space adventures; Sarah Crossan, the award-winning author of children’s and teen books and Adam Kay with his first children’s fiction book Dexter Procter, the Ten-Year-Old Doctor.

For aspiring writers, we have an interactive creative writing workshop with novelist Sue Gee. And there’s more – sessions on AI, spies, mud-larking, a novel about Maria Callas, Meghan and Harry, ABBA; locked-room crime, World War ll, Churchill, and many others join us this year!

Admission Details

Adult: 14.00

Child: 8.00 for Children's events

Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Carol Jarvest

Telephone: 07786 855701



Venue Details

Address: Queen's Hall, Cuckfield, West Sussex, RH17 5EL

Telephone: 01444 454276

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