Brian Tew and Deborah Michelson: Capturing Nature in Surface and Form at Colonnade House

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 10:00

End time: 17:00

Event Short Description

This joint exhibition is a natural progression of the shared creative space.

Event Information

Deborah Mitchelson

“My work has been inspired by a trip to the Arctic Circle last November.  I loved the landscape, the vast open emptiness and the divine quiet. This Polar world and its icy wilderness gave me a sense of peace. How people can survive in such a hostile landscape is humbling.”

Brian Tew

“My ceramics and sculptures are mainly unplanned, intuitive and eclectic. The work is formed in stoneware and earthenware. Some are fired with glazes and oxides in a gas reduction kiln or an electric kiln, others are fired in a Raku kiln or by using an earth pit firing. The piece is then assessed and, if necessary, I then add other mixed media to the ceramic sculpture to complete the work.”

Follow Brian on Instagram here

Follow Deborah on Instagram here:

Admission Details



Child Age Limit:

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Organiser Details

Name: Paula Tollett

Telephone: 01903 221142



Venue Details

Address: Colonnade House, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3DH

Telephone: 01903 221293

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