Birding for beginners – autumn migration at Pulborough Brooks

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 09:30

End time: 12:30

Event Short Description

Get to grips with migratory birds this Autumn at Pulborough Brooks

Event Information

Birding for beginners

Learn more about the birds on the nature reserve and how to get to grips with bird identification. This month they’ll be focusing on migrating birds including waders, flycatchers and warblers before they head south for the winter.

They’ll begin the session indoors with an introduction to migration and target species for the morning whilst enjoying tea, coffee & biscuits before an ‘in the field’ session with friendly guides. If you are a beginner you may want to try the ‘birding for absolute beginners’ session first which will help you get to grips with the garden and common countryside birds.

Information on access around the trails

Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear for your adventure. If you have binoculars then do bring them along but we will have binoculars for you to borrow if not.

The wetland trail includes access to hides and bird feeding station. The paths are suitable for pushchairs and tramper mobility buggy.

Admission Details

Adult: £20.50 for members and £25.50 for Non-members


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Lydia Fletcher

Telephone: 01798 875851



Venue Details

Address: RSPB Pulborough Brooks, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 2EL

Telephone: 01798 875851

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