As You Like It

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 17:30

End time: 20:00

Event Short Description

Follow the tale of Rosalind and Orlando through music and comedy on stage.

Event Information

Rosalind, the daughter of a banished duke, falls in love with Orlando. When she is then banished from the court by her usurping uncle, Rosalind takes on the appearance of a boy, calling herself Ganymede. She, her cousin Celia and jester Touchstone, travel to the Forest of Arden, where her father and his friends live in exile. When she meets Orlando again in the forest, she devises an elaborate scheme to find out the verity of his supposed passion for her, and to further capture his heart, through the witty and mischievous façade of Ganymede.

Admission Details

Adult: £18

Child: £12

Child Age Limit: 7+

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Weald and Downland Living Museum

Telephone: 01243 811363



Venue Details

Address: Weald and Downland Living Museum, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0EU

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