Art of Bell Ringing

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 18:00

End time: 19:00

Event Short Description

See Graffham’s bell ringers in action – and find out what makes them ding dong!

Event Information

A chance to see Graffham’s bell ringers in action – and find out what makes them ding dong!

Free to all, with no bookings needed, although donations to St Giles via contactless or online while there appreciated.

Graffham is blessed with an active, accomplished and growing band of bell ringers – who will ring the six bells of St Giles to announce the opening of the festival and at different times throughout the ten days of activities.

At this event, you are invited to watch them in action and see a display about the church’s bells.

If you are interested in ringing, whether you are young, old or between, from nine to 90, go along and watch.

Hear the bells of St Giles as broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at

Admission Details



Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: Phil Jones



Venue Details

Address: St Giles Church, Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 0NJ

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