Amanda Beck: Watercolour Wanders

Event Details

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Start time: 10:00

End time: 17:00

Event Short Description

In this exhibition Amanda will share her love for painting on location, through watercolour.

Event Information

Watercolour Wanders exhibition

From getting up to paint the sunrise to observing the hustle and bustle of coastal life along with scenes from other iconic Sussex places.

Amanda is captivated by portraying the human figure in her location work often seen silhouetted against the sun, swimming or walking the dog. Painting out in nature and absorbing her surroundings is also a meditative experience which feeds the soul and brings her back to the moment. She aspires to capture this in her paintings and hopes the viewer can sense this too.

Watercolour is a wonderful fluid medium which is often unpredictable and full of delightful surprises! She enjoys using colour directly and watching it mix on the dampened page. She invites you to come and share her joy of watercolour during her two-week exhibition at Colonnade House where she’ll be painting throughout and have her sketchbooks on display as well as greetings cards, prints and originals.

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Organiser Details

Name: Colonnade House

Telephone: 01903 221142



Venue Details

Address: Colonnade House, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3DH

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