50 Years of Seaside Entertainment

50 Years of Seaside Entertainment museum talk

Event Details

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Start time: 19:30

End time: 20:30

Event Short Description

A ‘solo performance’ with costumes and props, some songs and a dance by Brian Freeland.

Event Information

50 Years of Seaside Entertainment history

Seaside holidays started with King George III: seaside entertainment started with donkey rides and Punch & Judy, developed through the Minstrels and the Pierrots to the Concert Parties, and ended with cheap foreign holidays and colour television.

Was any holiday complete without a visit to the summer show or concert party? The very names conjure up the period – Sandy Powell’s Startime; Cyril Fletcher’s Summer Masquerade; Hedley Claxton’s Gaytime; The Fol-de-Rols and Clarkson Rose’s Twinkle.

Clarkson Rose joined his first Pierrot show in Sussex in 1914, and staged his last Twinkle season in Devon in 1967 – an experience which makes him the perfect guide for a presentation about Seaside Entertainment.

50 years of seaside entertainment is a ‘solo performance’ with costumes and props, some songs and a dance.

Brian Freeland is a Speaker, Playwright and Author. He has worked with the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre, Sadler’s Wells and many more.

Admission Details

Adult: £6


Child Age Limit:

Concession Details: £5 Members

Organiser Details

Name: Storrington Museum

Email: storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.storringtonmuseum.com

Venue Details

Address: Storrington Museum, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 4LL

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