12th Chichester Scout Group Jumble Sale

Event Details

Event Date:


Start time: 13:00

End time: 15:30

Event Short Description

12th Chichester Scout Group Jumble Sale

Event Information

The 12th Chichester Scout Group will be holding a Jumble Sale at their headquarters in Sherborne Road, Chichester on the 23 March at 1:00pm.
There will be a wide selection of things including clothes, brick-a-brac, books, games, toys, garden and kitchen equipment, shoes and bags. Why not come down for a rummage and afterwards enjoy a cup of tea from the kitchen.
Admission is 50 pence per adult with children admitted free.

Admission Details

Adult: 50p

Child: free

Child Age Limit:

Concession Details:

Organiser Details

Name: 12th Chichester Scout Group

Telephone: 07796144541

Email: secretary@12thchichester.org.uk

Website: https://www.12thchichester.org.uk/

Venue Details

Address: 12th Chichester Scout Group HQ, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 3AB

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