CREW: Worthings first Climate Emergency Centre has opened in the town centre

crew centre window

CREW charity building local engagement for the climate crisis

CREW Trustees picked up keys for Worthing and West Sussex first climate emergency centre at 8/9 South Street in Worthing town centre.

Since then they have done a bit of initial cleaning, painting and sprucing up of the main building and will officially launch in February 2023. Until then, the centre will be open to pop in and have a chat and find out what events the charity are planning.

The charity – Climate Resilience Centre Worthing (CREW) has been set up to provide the space and infrastructure needed to connect people, gather resources and take action to create a better future for ourselves and future generations. The centre is one of 40 across the UK working to improve mitigation and adaptation to the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

The charity is an alliance of several local groups working together to help deliver events, information and workshops on Climate Justice, Insulation 4 Homes, Energy Bill Advice, Rewilding, Listening Circles, Climate Information, Repair, Recycle, Reuse, People not Profits, Wellbeing, Green Travel, Building Community, Stories for a Better Future and Gardening with Nature.

CREW’s work will support Sustainable Adur & Worthing to improve their record by building community engagement and communication in regards to the climate emergency. See UK score cards here: Worthing Borough 51% and West Sussex 35% whereas leading councils are scoring 70%.

Local support and information for local people

One of Adur & Worthing Climate Assembly Recommendations was to provide information and education. The members wanted to see easily accessed sources of information and places where learning about key sustainability issues can take place. So as a community CREW are providing the space, resources, volunteers and commitment to help address these issues and provide what local people want.

CREW believe communities can help each other adapt, share and learn how to live with changes the climate and ecological crisis will bring. In light of the cost of living crisis, they will also be offering support and advice by trained volunteers on energy saving and accessing grants.

The centre’s opening hours will be Wednesday 10am – 9pm, Thursday 10am – 4pm and Saturday 10am – 4pm.

Upcoming events and volunteering with the charity

  • Amberlouise Everitt – CoFounder & Events Coordinator
  • Sean Hellett – CoFounder & Finance Lead
  • Isabelle Tarbet – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Emma Cameron – Artist / Visual Organiser
  • Pauline Cory – Liaison Officer

For those interested in joining the CREW team, they are looking for volunteers to help the following teams: Crowdfunding, Donations, Health & Safety, Centre Coordination, Budget Planning and manning the centre. Most of the roles would involve 2-4 hours a week. Email:

Look out for our events coming up in the new year here:

The charity relies completely on donations and fundraising. To help keep the charity open through this difficult financial time, donate what you can to their Crowdfunder here:

Climate Resilience Centre Worthing – CREW – Pulling Together for People and the Planet Charity no. 1198526


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