Take a Toy – West Sussex

The purpose of Take a Toy – West Sussex Facebook group, is for members to upload photos and descriptions of children’s goods (toys, books and clothes) that they wish to give away for free to other members of the group. The goods can be requested via Take a Toy – West Sussex and collection can be arranged directly between the donor and the recipient. The overall aim is to help minimise children’s toys and goods going to landfill unnecessarily, and also help save families money (especially during these particularly difficult financial times).
We would love to welcome you to the group if you have any children’s goods you want to give away or if you would like to browse and collect free pre-loved children’s toys, books and clothes.

Telephone: 07586734820
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/670877057704944/

Email: cmwoolley9@gmail.com

Email Take a Toy – West Sussex
