Homeopathy with Sophie

Homeopathy is a safe, gentle system of medicine.

​As a homeopath, Sophie’s aim to support you as an individual, rather than just treat a list of symptoms or an illness in isolation.

​Homeopathy works by stimulating the body to heal itself, taking into account the unique mental, emotional and physical traits of each individual person. In this respect Homeopathy is a process of supporting the body to optimum health and not an overnight cure. Remedies can be used to improve acute symptoms, but long-term commitment to a health by taking remedies regularly will enhance the body’s ability to remain physically and emotionally well.

Address: Hillford Place, Redhill, RH1 5AT
Telephone: 07752 309313
Website: https://www.homeopathywithsophie.com/

Email: sophie@homeopathywithsophie.com


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